
Dr. Greg Love - Founding & Former Pastor
I was born on June 25, 1963, in Portsmouth, VA. I was a Navy brat and experienced my childhood up and down the east coast, as well as out west all the way to Guam. While home is wherever I am living now, I have spent a good chunk of my adult life in Tennessee.
I did not really start seeking God, though, until I went to college. It was there I first started attending church. I learned who Jesus is, how He loved me, and how much I needed His love. While I was a good kid back then, I realized I wasn't good enough to get to heaven. For that I needed Jesus to die on the Cross for my sins and offer to me the gift of eternal life. I surrendered my life to Christ in 1983, and God radically changed me. God changed my desires, my friends, my goals, and my mouth.
I soon met my beloved wife, Jeanne, while in college and attending the same church. We married in 1985 and have been blessed to be best friends. We have three sons, each of whom is serving in the United States military. We are proud of them.
While I was in the Air Force, I realized that all the fun I had I had at church. I loved growing spiritually and serving God. I felt God calling me to become a pastor. I jumped at the chance. I resigned my commission in the Air Force and started seminary. After pastoring for several years, I wanted to become a better pastor, so I earned my doctorate.
My greatest joy is serving God through His church. I love the amazing and godly people I get to rub shoulders with. I thank God for the people He has put in my life to shape me and mold me for His service. I also love exercising, taking walky talks with my wife, watching movies, going on trips, and having fun with friends.
As I have shared a little bit about me, now I'd like to learn about you. Let's get together. Even better, let's do life in Christ together as a family of faith!

Brandon T. Hall - Student Pastor
Hello! My name is Brandon Hall. I received my associates degree in biblical studies at seminary and was promptly called by God to serve in ministry. As a result, I was ordained as a pastor at CrossView Baptist Church and I have served as the student pastor since 2018.
It is a joy and honor to serve our church by leading our kids who are currently in grades 6th-12th. I would love to tell you how God transformed my life at the age of 30! Come visit us and I will do just that! I know, from my own faith journey, that God is in the business of transforming lives for His Kingdom!
I am happily married to my wife, Keelee, who I met here at CrossView! We have a son named Gage. Also, we have an exuberant dog named Luke who would like to know you better too 😁